Date of shipment: 2024-07-05
The goods you are looking for:
Quantity: całosamochodowe
Search term: 7 dni
Country: Polska
Detailed description: > I will buy glued strips. Pine spruce. I am looking for a supplier of glued pine and spruce strips, material without defects, humidity approx. 10%, micro-joined. Gluing only along the length. Calibrated after gluing. Micro-joint dimensions on the surface: 24 x 47; 25 x 50; 37 x 40; 48 x 55 micro-joint on the side 26 x 50; 28 x 46; 30 x 48; 35 x 48; 48 x 48 Length 5000 mm Full truck pickups, various packages in the load.
Correspondence in language: polskiSource of the offer
The goods you are looking for:
Quantity: całosamochodowe
Search term: 7 dni
Country: Polska
Detailed description: > I will buy glued strips. Pine spruce. I am looking for a supplier of glued pine and spruce strips, material without defects, humidity approx. 10%, micro-joined. Gluing only along the length. Calibrated after gluing. Micro-joint dimensions on the surface: 24 x 47; 25 x 50; 37 x 40; 48 x 55 micro-joint on the side 26 x 50; 28 x 46; 30 x 48; 35 x 48; 48 x 48 Length 5000 mm Full truck pickups, various packages in the load.
Correspondence in language: polskiSource of the offer